The next scheduled meeting will take place at Singleton Village Hall on TUESDAY 21 January 2025 at 7.15pm. Members of the public are welcome to attend.
The Agenda and draft Minutes from the previous meetings will be published approximately one week beforehand.
Verena Henderson, Clerk to Singleton Parish Council: Email: or Tel: 07530 605 291
Singleton Parish Council
A meeting of the Parish Council will be held at
The Village Hall, Singleton on
Tuesday 21 January 2025 at 7.15pm
Your presence is requested
1. |
Apologies for Absence |
2. |
Open Forum – The Council will open the meeting for 15 minutes for any questions from the public – |
3. |
Minutes of previous meeting held on 19 December 2024 and any matters arising- |
4. |
Police Matters |
5. |
Declarations of Interest |
6. |
Planning matters and decisions – 22/0077 Stanley Villa Farm Weeton PR4 3HN – Change of use of land to the siting of 3 static holiday lodges – amended plan |
7. |
Traffic and Highways Issues Lodge Lane Lay-by |
8. |
New Bypass Singleton Hall Road |
9. |
Update from Fylde Borough Council GDPR |
10. |
Village Green update |
11. |
Correspondence |
12. |
Precept for 2025/2026 |
13. |
Accounts and any invoices to pay – |
14. |
Any Other Business – Village Hall |
15. |
Date and Time of Next Meeting/s |
Verena Henderson, Clerk to Singleton Parish Council: Email:
Tel: 07530 605 291
Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council
Held at Singleton Village Hall on 19 December 2024
Present: – Cllrs Lee (Chair), Cllr Cholmondeley (Vice-Chair), Bailey, Carruthers and Clifford and the Parish Clerk, Verena Henderson, who took the Minutes. Five members of the public also attended.
1. | Apologies for Absence – County Cllr Singleton. |
2. | Open Forum A gentleman told the meeting of his distress at witnessingthe destruction of banking, the removal of trees and shrubs and a huge trench being dug out measuring 30ft x 20 right outside his home down Windy Harbour Lane. Two councillors had been to see this work and were in complete agreement with the gentleman that the site was a complete mess. The gentleman had contacted the Planning Office at Fylde BC and the Chief Planning Officer had instructed the workmen to stop work. However, since the work was officially stopped, tons of gravel had been put down. No information had been received by the gentleman or the Parish Council prior to this work being carried out and the Parish Council was in full agreement with an objection being lodged. The Clerk was asked to write to the Chief Planning Officer expressing the Parish Council’s concern over this incident. |
3. | Minutes of previous meeting held on 12 November 2024 and any matters arising – The minutes of the previous meeting, having been circulated and agreed, were signed as a true and correct record by the Chairman. New Defibrillator – A Community Resuscitation Trainer had offered to come to the Village Hall to carry out another training exercise for the working of the new defibrillator. He had put forward several dates in January and February. The Clerk will circulate these and advise the trainer of the dates which are best for us. Annual Controlled Waste – Fylde BC had agreed to increase the collections of the bin from fortnightly to weekly and had invoiced Singleton PC for the cost of these extra collections until the end of March 2025. Greenhalgh PC will meet half the cost of this. SpID. The broken SpID is currently being dried out and checked over and we await a report back. |
4. | Police Matters Reports received concerning two cars being ransacked on two consecutive nights this week on Mains Lane by several youths at 2 am. Reports also received that this is also happening in neighbouring parishes. Very good response from Rural Crime Officer and follow up. The Clerk has put out an alert on the website for residents to be vigilant and to lock cars and not to have any valuables on sight. Crimes reported for Elswick, Little Eccleston, Singleton and Greenhalgh for October were recorded as follows: – Violence and sexual offences – 11; Anti-social behaviour – 7; Burglary – 3; and Criminal damage and arson – 3. The Chairman had attended a meeting recently organised by LANPAC (Lancashire Partnership Against Crime). They have grants available for improving safety, such as extra lighting, video cameras etc. The Chairman also learned about a new phone system put in by the Police. In the past all 999 calls went to one place and 101 calls went to another. This resulted in 101 calls being over-stretched and many people abandoning the call. The calls now all go to one place, and this has meant that 101 calls are now answered much more quickly. Before the change, 75% of 999 calls were answered within 10 seconds. Now this is 94.4%. For 101 calls 75% were answered within 40 seconds. This has increased to 93%. As regards to abandoned calls, this has dropped from 20% to 1.4%. It was good to see such a big improvement. |
5. | Declarations of Interest – None |
6. | Planning matters and decisions 24/0724 – Brook Cottage, Garstang Road, Singleton, FY6 7SX – Alterations and extensions to dwelling – The Parish Council has no specific observations to make 24/0491 – Rycroft Farm, Mains Lane FY6 7LB – Residential development of 8 dwellings. This was discussed at length at the last meeting. The Parish Council has now received the views of LCC Highways which does not consider that the application fully assesses the highway impact of the proposed development and asks for further information before it can provide final highway advice. Planning Decisions 24/0274 – Marlborough, 90 Mains Lane FY6 7LD – Granted 24/0276 – Lever Lea, 112 Mains Lane FY6 7LD – Granted 24/0492 – 89 Mains Lane FY6 7LD – Refused24/0045 – Land southwest of Weeton Road, (opposite the Miller Arms) – Refused Cllr Carruthers raised the matter of how the Parish Council should approach planning reviews in the future. The Parish Council, when asked to comment on a planning application, cannot object using emotion or because it is simply not wanted, but should object if the application is not in accordance with the planning rules. These are very complex but reading the Planning Agendas, which include the Planning Officers’ reports, could help in the Parish Council’s understanding of what exactly is being considered. The Chairman will put something on the website about this to help with the understanding of planning law. |
7. | Traffic and Highways issues County Cllr Singleton had sent in his monthly report from LCC. He undertook to perform a further walk around Singleton soon and report any highway issues he sees on the Love Clean Streets app. He would like to meet Parish Council reps on Lodge Lane regarding any remaining vegetation possibly posing a risk to highway users. Regarding 128-136 Mains Lane, this area is unadopted at present. There is concern by residents there that exiting this part of Mains Lane is dangerous since the filter lights were put in at the Shard Road junction. Traffic is constantly coming round the corner and cannot see cars trying to exit this road. There is also annoyance by residents that this part of Mains Road has been renamed Markfield Road by Google Maps. As far as residents are concerned, Markfield Road has never existed. A gentleman has approached Cllr Cholmondeley and offered to use his grasscutter and tractor, free of charge, to cut some of the verges around the village. The Parish Council was very grateful for this offer but would need to know whether the gentleman had the appropriate insurance to carry out this work. Cllr Cholmondeley will contact the gentleman. |
8. | New By-Pass The requested planting against the wall side of Singleton Hall Road had taken place with shrubs and trees on both sides of the access road. Cllr Bailey is concerned that the undertaking from Kier to maintain the planting for 5 years has not been given in writing. He is pursuing this, but the main contact people are leaving the area. Cllr Clifford still felt that the whole road needed sweeping and generally tidying up before they all leave. It was decided that a snagging list was needed before they go and to involve Cty Cllr Singleton in this too. Reports received about drag races taking place on the new bypass in the early hours of the morning. |
9. | Update from Fylde Borough Council The biggest issue facing Fylde BC now is the recently announced local government reorganisation. This will move decisions from Whitehall to local levels with more say at local level to where the money is spent. The current Government now favours Unitary Authorities which would mean Fylde and others joining together to become one authority. The Government is looking at a minimum of 500,000 people under one Unitary Authority. Several options are being looked at and no decision has been made yet. Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre’s total population is 460,000. There will be a lot of cost savings after the reorganisation but in the interim, a small authority like Fylde is having difficulty in recruiting staff, especially with experience in planning. It is hoped that Parish Councils may get a stronger voice as they will be the ones representing the local communities. |
10. | Village Green The Chairman has spoken with the designer. As previously mentioned, there are problems with the drains on the field which are draining in off the road, but a pond could be incorporated into the village green. All being well, Victorian lamp posts are also going to be included from Lytham. The entrance will be from the old fire station and permission is being sought from the owners, North West Electricity, to remove some of the shrubs at the back to create better access. A footpath from the Miller Arms will cut through the village green to enable access to the school. The Miller Arms is supportive of parents parking there for school drop-offs and pick-ups, which will help alleviate traffic problems on Church Road. |
11. | Correspondence Draft Parish Charter. This was forwarded to all councillors on 15/11/2024. Any comments on this should be sent to by 31/12/2024.Information received from Fylde BC regarding the next financial year’s precept. This will be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting in January 2025. |
12. | Proposal for Electric Vehicle Chargers in the Parish Letter received from the Land Agents for the Trust saying that the Trust is supportive of this idea, but the lease held by the Parish Council prohibits the sub-letting of any part of the land. This would need to be changed by a Solicitor and the Trust would be happy with this change but would expect the Trust’s reasonable legal fees to be covered for the drafting of the necessary paperwork. The Clerk was asked to write to the Land Agents asking if they could give an indication of the costs of drafting the lease before the Parish Council gave the go-ahead. The Clerk will also write to the firm wanting to install the charging points, saying that the Parish Council will incur some legal expenses and asking if they would be prepared to contribute towards these costs. |
13. | Accounts and Any Invoices to pay First Cut Grounds Maintenance – £517.68 – Proposed Cllr Lee, Seconded Cllr Clifford. Agreed Litter-picker – 4 weeks – £427.00. Proposed Cllr Lee, Seconded Cllr Clifford. Agreed. Fylde BC – Eurobin – £187.47 (Greenhalgh PC to repay £93.73) Proposed Cllr Clifford, Seconded Cllr Carruthers. Agreed. One-Com (website domain) – £134.58. Proposed Cllr Lee, Seconded Cllr Cholmondeley. Agreed. Forsyth and Steele – Xmas cards – £268.80. Proposed Cllr Lee, Seconded Cllr Clifford. Agreed. PEI-Delta – Disconnection of old defibrillator and installation of new one – £132.24 Proposed Cllr Cholmondeley, Seconded Cllr Clifford. Agreed. Clerk – Salary and Expenses Nov/Dec 2024 – £633.94. Proposed Cllr Lee, Seconded Cllr Clifford. Agreed. |
14. | Any Other Business New Christmas lights to be purchased in good time for next Christmas. Agreed.Christmas cards will be put on agenda in September. Photos including Church to be used and also Church news/leaflets will be included in with the cards.Request to order a map of Singleton Parish and a frame to put on the wall at the Village Hall. Agreed. |
15. | Date and time of next meeting – Tuesday 21 January 2025 at 7.15 at Village Hall. As there was no further business, the meeting closed at 9.35pm. |
Signed ……………………………………………… Dated ………………………………
Verena Henderson, Clerk to Singleton Parish Council,
Tel: 07530 605 291: email:
Signed ……………………………………………… Dated ………………………………
Verena Henderson, Clerk to Singleton Parish Council,
Tel: 07530 605 291: email: