Parish housing survey going ahead

Parish housing survey going ahead

MUCH of our most recent meeting – on Thursday, 20th January 2011 – was devoted to discussing the package of documents prepared by Fylde Borough Council for its parish housing survey, which we are assisting.

The two FBC officers who had visited us before were attending again, and had drawn up a tight programme for the survey, which will launch very soon.


WE ALSO discussed finances and agreed to a 5% increase in our precept for 2011/2012. You may remember we lowered our precept for this year because we had more money in the bank. Councillors considered the 5% very reasonable in view of the fact we now have to pay for services which previously have been funded directly by FBC.


SOME RESIDENTS  have raised concerns about the lights on the drill rig off Grange Road: motorists coming from Great Eccleston were being temporarily blinded by them. We’ve arranged to visit the site, and will raise these complaints then. (We suspect the drillers are unaware of the effect of their lights and that the problem can be simply corrected.)

Next meeting
We meet again on Thursday, 17th February 2011, in the Church vestry, as usual, and starting at 7.3opm, as usual. All are welcome.