Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs)

Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs)

Singleton Parish Council



As reported in previous Minutes of the Parish Council, there is as plan to install two more posts for use of a SID.  There are of the same design as the ones already in place by the Church, Mile Road and Station Road.

Their purpose is to give approaching vehicles an accurate visual indication of their speed to educate them and encourage drivers to remain within the speed limit.

It also provides valuable data, such as traffic volumes, average speeds, maximum speeds, etc, although it is not currently meant to identify individual vehicles or record vehicle registration numbers. The SID is also sufficiently accurate and can be used by local  Speedwatch volunteers.

The Scheme

The scheme involves the permanent installation of a galvanised steel post complete with mounting brackets at each of the locations, which provides a total of five SID positions.  At intervals, the SID will be moved to a new position by relocating the SID to another post.

Proposed New Locations

  1. East side of Lodge Lane between Singleton Crossroads and the new bridge
  2. East side of Lodge Lane 200m north of the mini roundabout

If you would like to comment, please write to us either by email or by Royal Mail via the Clerk by Tuesday November 7th 2023.

These SIDs have been planned and researched over the last three months by the Parish Council.  The positions of the posts have been surveyed and checked by Lancashire County Council.

Chris            07989 440 814

Clerk: Verena Henderson, 4 Chesham Lodge, Great Eccleston, Preston PR3 0ZG

01995 670455 : email: Clerk@SingletonParishCouncil.org