Singleton Parish Council

Next meeting with Agenda

The next scheduled meeting will take place at Singleton Village Hall on THURSDAY 20 February 2025 at 7.15pm.   Members of the public are welcome to attend.

The Agenda and draft Minutes from the previous meetings will be published approximately one week beforehand.

Verena Henderson, Clerk to Singleton Parish Council: Email: or Tel: 07530 605 291

Singleton Parish Council


A meeting of the Parish Council will be held at

The Village Hall, Singleton on 20 February 2025 at 7.15pm

Your presence is requested



Apologies for Absence


Attendance and presentation by Andrew Stell, Senior Planning Officer


Open Forum – The Council will open the meeting for 15 minutes for any questions from the public –


Minutes of previous meeting held on 21 January 2025 and any matters arising-


Police Matters


Declarations of Interest


Planning matters and decisions –

25/0033 Land at North Lodge, FY6 8LT for permission to erect two dwellings – Objection lodged

25/0019 Manor Barn, Mains Hall Fy6 7LE – Alterations to dwelling

25/0017 – 112 Mains Lane, FY6 7LD – Erection to two storey side extension & new vehicle access

Land Adjacent to Greenways, Mains Lane FY6 7LD – Appeal against refusal for up to two dwellings


Traffic and Highways Issues

Potholes on Church Road


New Bypass


Update from Fylde Borough Council


Village Green update




Electric Vehicle Chargers in the Parish


Storage facilities for the Parish Council


Accounts and any invoices to pay –


Any Other Business –


Date and Time of Next Meeting/s


Verena  Henderson, Clerk: Email:  Tel: 07530 605 291



Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council

Held at Singleton Village Hall on 21 January 2025

Present: – Cllr Cholmondeley (Vice-Chair), Bailey and Clifford and the Parish Clerk, Verena Henderson, who took the Minutes.  County Councillor Singleton also attended. Cllr Cholmondeley took the Chair this evening.

1.Apologies for Absence – Cllrs Carruthers and Lee.  
2.Open Forum – None  
3.Minutes of previous meeting held on 19 December 2024 and any matters arising   The Minutes of the meeting held on 19 December 2024, having been previously circulated and agreed, were signed as a true and correct copy by the Vice-Chair.  
Matters arising –
The faulty SpID had been sent for repair and the other SpID moved to another location.
Dates for Resuscitation Training.  Two dates from the list provided by the Trainer were available for use of the Village Hall.  These are 18th and 27th February.  The hall will be booked for these two events and information will be circulated via Singleton Chat, the website and the school will be informed.
Electrical Charging Points in the village.  The Chartered Surveyors representing the Trust will check on the cost of legal fees to change the current lease the Parish Council holds on the car park and get back to us.
Representations had been made both to LCC and Fylde BC in regard to the complaints received at the last meeting about work being carried out close to Windy Harbour Holiday Park and this work had been halted by Fylde BC pending a more sympathetic and suitable design being finalised.  
4.Police Matters   The monthly list of reported crimes still incorporates four parishes of Elswick, Little Eccleston, Singleton and Greenhalgh and so it is difficult to ascertain what numbers apply to Singleton.  The list provided by the Police is as follows: –   Crimes reported during November 2024 – Violence and sexual offences – 18 Anti-social behaviour – 11 Other Theft – 3 Criminal damage and arson – 2  
5.Declarations of Interest – Cllrs Bailey and Clifford in respect of application 24/0717 and therefore they did not take part in the consideration of this application.  
6.  Planning matters and decisions  
22/0077 – Amended plans – Change of use of land to the siting of 3 static holiday lodges at Stanley Villa Farm, Back Lane, Weeton PR4 3HN. No observations.  
24/0717 – Stables off Lodge Lane, Singleton FY6 8LI. Change of use to one dwelling with associated external alterations.  Cllrs Lee and Carruthers were consulted via email and telephone so this could be properly considered.  Objection as this development would be in the open countryside.  
The Clerk had asked Fylde BC about any training courses coming up in respect of planning.  The Chief Planning Officer had replied that there were none planned but he offered to come to a future meeting and talk and answer questions from the Parish Council.  This would be particularly helpful to the newer councillors and his kind offer would be accepted.  
Cllr Clifford wondered if identification passes could be made for Parish Councillors so that they could call and look at prospective planning applications and find out exactly what was being proposed.  This can be done by Fylde BC and will be investigated. Cllr Lee will check with Fylde BC about this.  
7.Traffic and Highways issues Cty Cllr Singleton submitted his monthly report: –  
Station Road – road closure this month to do ground investigation for necessary work to replace the metal plate.  This is being done by Network Rail.
Regarding the complaint received about work being undertaken by LCC down Windy Harbour Lane, this was stopped by a Planning Officer at Fylde BC who is to discuss this with the planning agent in the next couple of weeks.  A more sympathetic and suitable design is being sought.
A request has been lodged with National Highways to task Kier Highways with several issues which remain outstanding.  These include a good clean up of Singleton and a letter confirming a 5-year maintenance agreement of the planting area.
128-136 Mains Lane.  To exit this road is now deemed dangerous since the new filter scheme came in at the Shard Road traffic lights.  A meeting has been arranged between Kier and one of the residents.
New white lining has been requested on Mile Road.
Anyone can report a highway issue on the “Love Clean Streets” app or on their website.  Cty Cllr Singleton urged councillors and residents to do this as much as possible as this recorded problems.  If no reports are received, LCC considers there are no problems.
Still problems on Lodge Lane footway.  This has been dismissed by Kier as their responsibility and LCC’s Highway Inspector has been asked to look at this with a view of repairing and maintaining this footway.  Cllrs Cholmondeley and Clifford will have another look at the problems on Lodge Lane, which seem to be getting worse in the wet weather.
Work has started on the A585 from the M55 junction 3 to Windy Harbour to install safety cameras.
Back Lane, Greenhalgh will be closed from 0930 hours to 15.30 hours on Tuesday 25 March 2025 to allow fibre overhead cabling works to be carried out by BT Openreach.
Several reports received concerning fly-tipping on the Lodge Lane lay-by.  This has now been removed by Fylde BC, but the Parish Council is concerned that one of the lockable bollards has been removed to gain access.  This has been reported to Fylde BC and its replacement will be monitored.  Fibre cables for Weeton Barracks run through here and it is where BT/Openreach regularly access them.  
8.New By-Pass   Email received from residents of Singleton Hall Road concerning the deep ruts left by heavy vehicles.  The residents had sent a similar email to Kier saying that these ruts made it impossible to walk along the roadside in safety.  On looking at the photographs however, there was no footpath along this private road, and residents would have had to walk along the roadway before any work was done.  The ruts had been caused by lorries when the trees had been planted by the new road. The grassed area was very wet after much rain and ruts had been caused as a result.  It was hoped that an improvement would be seen in the Spring and Summer.  
9.Update from Fylde Borough Council   The Clerk had attended a Parish Planning Forum meeting for Clerks on 20/01/2025.  The new Government is to introduce many changes in the way future planning is to be dealt with and wants to speed up the planning process by removing the minor applications from the Planning Committee.  They want to see more applications determined by planning officers and for the more complex applications and strategic issues to go forward to the Planning Committee.  There is a lot of uncertainty as to what changes there will be and what councils will be merged into the new Unitary Authorities.  
GDPR Councillors were reminded that all councils had a duty to protect personal details, including email addresses of anyone contacting the Parish Council.  Residents’ names were never included in the Minutes or on any public platform.  The Clerk confirmed that an annual fee is paid to the Information Commissioner’s Office in respect of GDPR.  
10.Village Green   Behind the scenes work at Fylde BC is continuing at pace and a full design has been made and costed.  The Parish Council has put a sum of money aside for the Village Green and Singleton Trust will be putting a similar amount towards it too.  The rest will be underwritten and obtained through grants.  The Capital bid will be finalised in the first week in February and then be put before a Full Council meeting for formal approval.  A very exciting time and this will be a great asset for Singleton.  The Parish Council is very appreciative of the help and support received from Fylde Borough Council and Singleton Trust in working towards this goal.      
11.  Correspondence Email received from Fylde BC to say that the Asset of Community Value the Parish Council put on the Miller Arms has now ceased after 5 years.  Cllr Lee will propose a Motion at Fylde Full Council to reinstate this valuable protection.
Defibrillator Consumables for the older Defibrillator.  NHS has currently got pads for the older defib which the Parish Council donated to a local chalet park.  The Parish Council had previously undertaken to purchase these whilst still available for the older model and the Clerk will order them.
Email received from a resident concerned about the amount of litter from Mains Lane to Shard bridge.  The Clerk forwarded his email to the litter-picker who will include this area in his work this week.  
12.  Precept for 2025/2026 The Clerk circulated a balance sheet up to 31 December 2024 together with a proposal by Fylde to precept a total of £24,463 for the next financial year.  A sum of £4,746 would be deducted at source from this amount to cover grounds maintenance and general maintenance of the play equipment on the Children’s playground by Fylde BC.  This would mean that next year’s precept would be £19,717 net.   As reported in item 10, the Parish Council has put aside a sum of money towards the Village Green project and this is currently £20,000.  This sum will most certainly rise and in view of other rising costs for grass-cutting, litter-picking, Eurobin annual fees, insurances, Clerk’s salary and expenses etc it was proposed by Cllr Cholmondeley that the Parish Council asks for further rise in the precept of 5%.  This was seconded by Cllr Clifford and Agreed.  
13.Accounts and Any Invoices to pay The Clerk had submitted a claim for a VAT refund for 2023/2024 to HMRC for the sum of £1,638.13.  This had been acknowledged on 13/01/2025. The Clerk had also sent an invoice to Greenhalgh PC for half-payment for the upgraded weekly litter collections from Fylde BC to the sum of £93.73.
First Cut Grounds Maintenance Ltd. £517.68.  Proposed Cllr Cholmondeley, Seconded Cllr Clifford. Agreed.
Litter-picker – 3 weeks – £320.25.  Proposed Cllr Bailey, Seconded Cllr Clifford. Agreed.
Clerk, Salary and expenses – £433.09. Proposed Cllr Clifford, Seconded Cllr Bailey. Agreed.  
14.Any Other Business Cllr Clifford brought up the need to have storage facilities for the Parish Council.  The Clerk would also like to have storage facilities for the Parish Council’s records.  This will be added to the agenda next month.  
15.Date and time of next meeting – Thursday 20 February 7.15pm at the Village Hall. As there was no further business, the meeting closed at 9.15pm.  

Signed ………………………………………………  Dated ………………………………

Verena Henderson, Clerk to Singleton Parish Council, Tel: 07530 605 291: email: