Changes to the disposal of construction and demolition (inert) waste at Lancashire County Council Household Waste Recycling Centres

Changes to the disposal of construction and demolition (inert) waste at Lancashire County Council Household Waste Recycling Centres

LCC is bringing in a permit system to limit how much construction and demolition waste people can dispose of for free at the Household Waste Recycling Centres, with charges being applied for any extra. Household Waste Recycling Centres allow people to dispose of normal household waste free of charge. The new policy does not change this. However, the current service also allows unlimited free disposal of inert waste including rubble, soil and plasterboard, amongst others.

The new policy, which began on 1st June 2015, allows each household in Lancashire to deliver the equivalent of a quarter of a tonne of inert waste free of charge every year. To access the free service, householders will need to obtain a permit in advance of their visit through Lancashire Online or via their customer contact centre. There is no charge for the permit. The permit will require only one application and can be used in one visit or as required throughout the year.

The free permit allows you to dispose of up to ten 25kg bags (or equivalent items such as a toilet or a sink) of inert waste a year without charge. A charge of £3.50 per 25kg bag or equivalent item will be applied for any further inert waste, or for any inert waste delivered without a permit. Permits are valid for a calendar year, or until the free allowance has been used.

Importantly, the County Council will continue to provide free disposal of a reasonable amount of inert waste with residents still able to dispose of waste arising from small scale DIY and gardening projects without charge after applying for a permit.

The new policy does not affect any other form of waste received at the Recycling Centres, including hazardous waste, such as asbestos, tyres or gas bottles, which will continue to be free to dispose of.

By phone – 0300 123 6781
By post – Waste Management Group, County Hall, Preston, PR1 0LD
Enquiries –

Residents should allow two weeks for their request to be processed and the permit to arrive.