Projects for 2013
There are three main projects which Singleton Parish Council are concentrating on during the New Year and these are:- 1. To continue to work with the Police and Lancashire County Council to improve road safety through …
There are three main projects which Singleton Parish Council are concentrating on during the New Year and these are:- 1. To continue to work with the Police and Lancashire County Council to improve road safety through …
Cllr Maxine Chew has been liaising with the Conservation Officer at Fylde Borough Council to try and keep the Fire Station in good repair. Concern had been expressed in recent months about the state of …
Residents are still complaining about the untidy appearance of the temporary stones placed at the layby by Lancashire County Council to prevent unauthorised occupation earlier in the year. County Councillor Paul Hayhurst had raised this …
At their meeting held on 18th October, 2012, the Parish Councillors agreed a Code of Conduct adopted from the Lancashire County Council version. Each councillor also individually completed a Notice of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. Copies …