Parish Council and Fracking
Obviously there is a lot of debate and anxiety at the moment about the prospect of fracking for shale gas in the Fylde area. Both Singleton Parish Council and Fylde Borough Council will be consulted …
Obviously there is a lot of debate and anxiety at the moment about the prospect of fracking for shale gas in the Fylde area. Both Singleton Parish Council and Fylde Borough Council will be consulted …
Unfortunately, attendance at PACT meetings in many rural areas has dropped considerably. The Police are still keen, however, to continue to provide easy access for members of the public to come and talk to a …
The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Thursday, 16 January 2014 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Members of the public are welcome to attend.
The latest newsletter and Christmas card will shortly be popping through residents’ postboxes. This year’s Christmas card is taken from a drawing of the old Singleton widmill from 1914 and has been drawn by Rachel …