SINGLETON Parish Council is writing to Fylde and Wyre borough councils – and the Hardhorn action group – to express its concern about the travellers’ flouting of planning and environment regulations at its encampment at Hardhorn and to offer its support in upholding those regulations.
At our meeting on 10th December, we were glad to be visited by Lancashire County Councillor Paul Hayhurst, who represents Fylde West, as it gave us a chance to hear the county’s attitude to the encampment. Cllr Hayhurst said that as the issue is a planning one, the county is waiting to see what action Fylde Borough Council takes.
Singleton Parish Council was also concerned about the two letters issued by the police on 1st and 2nd December to parish residents about the encampment. We feel the police are trying to allay residents’ fears in a misleading way by playing down the impact of recent crimes.
We agreed it was important that all relevant incidents and crimes, no matter how small, should be reported to the right authorities – in our case the police and the Hardhorn action group – so there is a full record of what is happening in our parish. We are also going to help ensure that all Singleton residents have the right telephone numbers to contact for the police, the Hardhorn action group.
We believe there is a police-managed community intelligence group which records crime reports anonymously and will be asking our local officer for details. All relevant numbers will posted on this website.
Continuing traffic issues
COUNTY councillor Paul Hayhurst said our desire for a mini-roundabout at the junction of Mile Road with Weeton Road was a good one in view of the large numbers of cars bypassing the A585 by driving through our village. It would be even more necessary when Wyre’s plan to widen sections of the A585 started, as even more traffic would be going through the village. He offered to support the idea whenever it came up for discussion at county level.
WE are still concerned that the county council will not consider traffic calming measures unless there are fatalities in the relevant part of the parish. It’s a Catch-22 situation as we want the measures to reduce the possibility of fatalities.
The county has also told us that a pedestrian crossing in front of the village hall was a non-starter: the county requires at least 1,000 cars passing through hourly, and 100 pedestrians crossing hourly, to justify installing one.
Christmas tree is up – and lit!
COUNCILLORS congratulated Cllr Bob Gallagher for his efficient siting and lighting of the Christmas tree donated to the parish by The Koi Pool. We originally envisaged two trees on either side of the entrance to the village hall, but that was before we saw the size of the donated one! All the electrics have been supplied free-of-charge by Bob’s firm, PEI-Delta Ltd, based on Poulton Industrial Estate.
Incidentally, the problems we’ve had with the noticeboard we erected outside the village hall mean that we will be re-siting it in Mains Lane once we have a larger replacement.
Great Christmas card
THANKS, Marjorie Smith, for letting us use your art for our great Christmas card, which was distributed to all residents. The snow scene seems to have been prophetic! Perhaps next year’s card should be a sunny Spanish scene…
Singleton In Bloom competition
PLANS are underway to stage this competition at about the same time as the church’s 150th anniversary celebrations next year. There will be two sets of prizes, one each for Great Singleton and Little Singleton, with local garden centre vouchers as prizes. We aim to publish details soon after the start of the new year, and hold the judging (by a local dignitary) in the last week of June – between the gala on 20th June and the church events in July. More details and an entry form will be posted on this website soon.
Parish plan update
THE chairman, Cllr Clive Barnden, showed his mock-up for the forthcoming plan document. He is to finalise the photography and layout over Christmas, so that printing can go ahead soon after the new year starts. The council is seeking three print quotes, and the funding is being provided by Community Futures.
Street sweeping & weed killing
Cllr Maxine Chew has officially complained to Fylde Borough Council (FBC) about the lack of regular sweeping and weeding, especially in Mile Road. Our contract with FBC was for monthly service for the roads in the conservation area, but this just isn’t happening, said Maxine. She also complained that the parish council had not yet seen a schedule for the work FBC is supposed to be doing. Interestingly, no sooner had she complained than workmen were seen litter-picking in the parish!
Lodge Lane layby
COUNCILLORS were delighted that the fencing erected in the layby by the landowner was having an impact, as there had been fewer problems: although it was breached twice for fly-tipping the fence was mended immediately. The time of year, and the awful recent weather, had undoubtedly helped, too.
Our next meeting…
…is our budget meeting on Thursday, 7th January 2010. Members of the public are welcome to attend, as always: it will be in the church vestry, and starting at 7.30pm, as usual.