Traffic still a major issue

Traffic still a major issue

NEW Chairman Clive Barnden told the council’s AGM on Thursday, 30th April 2009 and the immediately following ordinary parish council meeting that he is putting traffic issues at the top of his wish list for the 2009/2010 council year.

“The increasing traffic – and the speed of the traffic – have always been major issues for the parish,” he said. “However, while any major solution is out of our hands – it’s in the hands of the government and county council – I’m hoping there are some changes we can make to improve the life of parish residents.”

Among the issues he is to tackle in his year of office are:

  • – Working more closely with the Thornton Action Group, whatever the outcome of the ministerial inquiry, the results of which are due to be made known in June.
  • – Pursuing the possibility of installing mini-roundabouts at the junctions of Church Road and Mile Road with The Village.
  • – Trying to reduce the impact that SatNav systems have in using The Village as a main by-pass for the A585.

Resuscitating the Parish Plan
CLIVE also hopes to help breathe life back into Singleton Parish Plan, especially now that the survey results have been returned to the council by the former plan committee. Clive is contacting the plan’s sponsor, Community Futures, to organise the next phase of the plan’s development.

CLIVE also hopes to bring back the Christmas tree – or rather, two trees. Parishioners were surprised there were no tree illuminations last Christmas, regretfully the result of changes of borough council policies.

He also hopes the council may be involved in other celebrations during 2009 and 2010. This year sees the WI’s 60th anniversary, Singleton Cloggers’ 60th, and the Handbell-Ringers’ 25th.

Last, but not least, are updating the council website and helping to progress the projects which are continuing from former chairman Tom Boyd’s year of office:

  • The refurbishment of Puzzle Wood, already developing nicely thanks to Dave Kay and his team of volunteers;
  • Improving the surface of the approach road to the village hall car-park;
  • Closing the Lodge Lane layby;
  • Deploying the SPID (SPeed Indicator Device) already bought by Singleton and its two neighbouring parishes, Staining and Weeton.

NEW vice-chairman for 2009/2010 is Councillor Bob Gallagher.