Notice of Conclusion of Audit

Notice of Conclusion of Audit



Annual Governance & Accountability Return for the year ended

31 March 2024

Sections 20(2) and 25 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014

Section 16 of the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/234)

The audit of accounts for Singleton Parish Council for the year ended 31 March 2024 has been completed and the accounts have been published.

The Annual Governance & Accountability Return, including the auditor’s certificate and opinion is available for inspection and copying by any local government elector of the area of Singleton Parish Council on application to: –

Verena Henderson

Responsible Financial Officer

4 Chesham Lodge

Great Eccleston

Preston PR3 0ZG


Copies will be provided by any local government elector of the area on payment of £1 for each copy of the Annual Governance & Accountability Return.

Announcement made by Verena Henderson, Responsible Financial Officer

Date of announcement – 26 September 2024


End-of-Year Accounts to 31 March 2024

Balances brought forward –

Community Direct Plus Account                                                                  22,775

14-day Business Select Account                                                                 19,674

                                                                                                                               Total  in Bank    42,449

Plus receipts –               Parish Council Precept                   24,265

                                      Reclaimed VAT                                 1,810

                                      Donation from Trust                          2,808

                                      Donation towards car park lights         500

                                      LCC for grass-cutting                          514

                                      Interest on bank account                      229

                                      Reimbursement                                      55                       Total received      30,181

                                                                                                                                Bank + Receipts        72,630

Less payments –           Clerk’s wages                                   4,077

                                      Admin expenses                                  835

                                      Insurance                                          1,056

                                      Rent                                                    333

                                      Newsletters/Xmas cards                       345

                                      Playground Maintenance                   4,199

                                      Grass-cutting contract                       6,753

                                      Plants/tubs/trees/maintenance           1,478

                                      Litter-picking/Euro bin                      5,870

                                      Thank you’s                                           55

                                      Data Protection                                      40

                                      New Noticeboard + Fitting                 1,361

                                      Donations                                            850

                                      Car park expenses inc. lighting          1,815

                                      Poppy wreaths                                       95

                                      Uncontested Election fee                     100

                                      Audit fees                                            252

                                      Speed Gun                                          193

                                      Overpayment                                         55

                                      Xmas tree lights                                     55                                Total Payments  29,817

Total Carried Forward to 2024/2025                                                                              £42,813

Verena Henderson,

Responsible Financial Officer

Singleton Parish Council                                                                                              14 May 2024